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For this project I want to further explore the areas I was looking into previously. One of the main components being text. Another being the attitudes towards and the experiences of 1st and 2nd generation immigrants and cultural identity.

 The Sounding Out on e-flux written by the Editors discussed how the written word is not as popular as audio which has increased in content and demand due to the pandemic. Instead of emails there are more video calls and podcasts instead of articles.

The Editors(2021) Sounding Out. Available at:  [Accessed 20/05/21]


Things I’ve been considering:

Hearing and speaking- how delivering and receiving information has an affect on the outcome

Inner voice/ internal dialogue- free writing exercises, stream of consciousness.

The Bureau of Care: Introductory Notes on the Care-less and Care-full is an article on e-flux by iLiana Fokianaki which introduced to me ideas about how neoliberalism and race overlap. The symbiosis of business and politics that reinforces and exploits poverty and the working class.

Fokianaki. i (2021) The Bureau of Care: Introductory Notes on the Care-less and Care-full. Available at: [Accessed 20/05/21]

The roles of good charitable individuals benefits neoliberalism as it covers up the shortcomings of failing pre-existing structures.

International waters as a safe space for care and medical procedure (refugees)

‘Decolonise from individualism and reconnect with community care’

Colonisation, imperialism, industrial revolution, globalisation neglects the care of individuals.

I started thinking about a chatterbox as a fortune telling vehicle used by children as a game, yet they’re used to assign spouses, children and jobs and are seen as serious. A system of assigning roles to people. The hand is the machine the choices on the paper, variables. The person deciding the fate is the voice telling the hand how to move and what choices to make.

 I was exploring the juxtaposition of the novelty of the object with the seriousness of the decisions its used to decide. It also helps toe the line between text and sound as communication as it takes two people speaking the words aloud to make it work.  

Job description folded inside:

Cleaning- working in the early hours of the morning. Invisible. Back, hands and knees hurting and smelling of chemicals.

Volunteering- Doing work you shouldn’t have to and not getting paid because you’re meant to be a good person.

Medical- Long hours. Expected to have a smile all the time and fix everyone.

Childcare- Covered in snot, piss, shit, vomit and hearing complaints from parents.

Driver-Alone for hours. Rude customers. Petrol station meal deals eaten in the car.

Maintenance- Dry cracked hands. Lots of small work place injuries. Everybody’s lackey.

Old people- Verbal and physical abuse, human waste and relatives saying you’re doing your job wrong

Catering-Slaving in a hot kitchen for ages for someone to finish the food in minutes and complain not leaving a tip.

©Copyright Zara Masood 2021

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